Introduction To The Student Diary

1 Each student should possess and make use of the diary to record his/her: school activities, Home Assignments, library Records, Co-Curricular Activities and also leave letters.
2 Diary must be brought to the school on all working and special days for sure.
3 Parents must check diary daily to keep in touch with the day to day progress of his/her ward /wards.
4 Parents must respond positively to the remarks, homework, instruction made in the diary and sign the note on regular basis.
5 Parents/ Students must use school diary for monthly / Specified schedule for unit tests/ examinations, holidays, vacation and various competitions.
6 Diary is meant for two way communication between school and Parents. We expect parents to use it constructively to communicate with school/ teachers.
7 Parents are requested to read the diary carefully and strictly follow the guidelines given.
8 If the diary is lost the student can avail new one from the office by paying Rs 150/-

School Rules

1 Students must come to school in proper prescribed uniform and Teach school on time. I-card is a must on all working days.
2 Students must strictly follow all the instructions given by the teachers and school authority to maintain the discipline and decorum of the school.
3 Students must be respectful and considerate to all students, staff members and visitors.
4 Students must behave in the best manner when representation the school in public places for example trips, fixtures performances, travelling to and from school.
5 Students are supposed to speak in English to acquire proficiency and command over it as It will help them to comprehend other subjects easily.
6 Students endowed with responsibilities Ike members of class monitors and house captains /vice captains should be role model in their conduct and wear respective badges daily.
7 Being a co-ed school, it is expected that students behave in an appropriate manner which bring a good name to the school community.
8 Mobile phone, iPod, camera, expensive watch, jewellery and other valuable objects are strictly prohibited. Students if caught with the above mentioned objects will have to face strict disciplinary action including suspension and fine. In case of any loss of article the school shall not undertake any responsibility for the loss.
9 Bringing fireworks/ explosives or splashing of colours in school premise is strictly forbidden.
10 No books, magazines, periodicals etc other than prescribed syllabus, should be brought to school.
11 Lending or borrowing of money and other articles is not permitted.
12 Students should respect and take pride in the school property and keep the classroom and school premises clean. Writing and defacing the wall, furniture etc are strictly forbidden. Any damage caused by a student, a fine will imposed for the offence.
13 Polythene bags are banned inside the campus.
14 Celebration of any special days like birthday should be observed as a simple affair .Students may wear colour dress strictly formal one which adheres to school decorum. Students may distribute chocolates to their classmates.
15 No cutting of cakes distribution of sweets or gifts is permitted
16 Sending gifts to friends / teachers on birthdays / celebration is strictly discouraged. No gift will be accepted by the teachers on the teacher's day.
17 Name, class and section of the pupil should be clearly marked on all belongings including Blazer/Sweater of the students.
18 A Written apology will be demanded by the school authority tor wilful breach of discipline from the students as well as parents.
19 The school ID should be worn around your neck while in the school and in the school bus. School diary must be produced when required by the authority.
20 All boys (except Sikhs) must keep their hair short. Gils must tie their hair neatly. Nails should be trimmed regularly.
21 The school reserves the right to suspend/expel students whose progress in studies in unsatisfactory or whose conduct is harmful to other students.
22 The school reserves the right to add, alter and cancel any rule given in this diary at any time at its discretion which will be binding on students and their parents/guardians.
23 For amendments and latest version of the school diary, please visit school

Notes For Parents

1 Parents are advised to spend quality time with their ward to instill confidence and motivation.
2 Our campus language is English. Parents must make it a point to converse in English with their ward and thereby create a positive environment where the child can learn to express himself/herself freely.
3 Parents should monitor the daily activities of their ward: check the diary regularly for entries ; check their bags and their performance occasionally.
4 Parents are requested to check the school diary daily and sign against the communication. We also advise parents to check school notice board, emails and school website to get updated about the latest developments and upcoming school activities etc.
5 Any appointment with the Principal/teachers should be informed in advance through the student diary. Parents are advised to respect the time given to meet the concerned as teacher/authority.
6 Parents should inform the school in writing any changes in address and contact number immediately.
7 Parents' supervision is a must during home assignment like reading, writing work and revision given by the teacher.
8 Parents are requested to encourage their children to take active part in classroom discussion, doubt solving and submission of assignment/project.
9 Parents are requested to be present in all the meetings to interact with teachers, take the feedback in constructive manner, work on suggestions recorded by teachers and collect progress report in person.
10 Parents are requested to send two tiffins
i) having fruits
ii) having homemade food in their lunch boxes .Junk food is totally prohibited in the school.


1 Admission opens for academic session 2023-24 for nursery to IX and XI commerce.
2 Age criteria for class Nursery:3.5 to 4.5 years (as on 31st March of corresponding year)
3 Admission is granted on academic ground. Every candidate needs to be registered before admission.
4 Admission form and prospectus is available in our city office (Chiranjeevee Play/ Public School) between 8:00 am to 2:00 pm on all working days and also in Chiranjeevee Concept School, Hocher/ Kanke.
5 At the time of admission Parents/ Guardians must produce a Transfer Certificate from the school last attended.


1 Application for the withdrawal of a student should be addressed to the principal a month in advance.
2 All dues must be cleared and related formalities completed before Transfer Certificate is issued.
3 If the student is withdrawn or does not join the school before the start of the academic Session, registration and admission fee shall be forfeited and only tuition fee shall be refunded.
4 If the student is withdrawn after the start of the academic session, fee for one quarter and other expenses incurred shall be charged.
5 Fee receipts and no dues certificate from library, labs should be produced at the time of withdrawal. Transfer Certificate will be issued for a charge of Rs. 200/.
6 School authorities have the right to ask a student to withdraw on the following grounds
a) Irregular Attendance
b) Non payment of fee
c) His/Her conduct is detrimental to the smooth functioning of the school or any other indisciplinary act.


1 Regular attendance is expected from every student.
2 75% attendance is compulsory or all the students to be on roll and to be able to appear for examination.
3 No leave is granted during examination/assessment except under unforeseen emergency.
4 It is compulsory for students to be present on the first and the last working day before and after each vacation.
5 Except on medical grounds, no leave or absence will be granted. A doctor's certificate is to be submitted along with an application in case ofillness.
6 If a student is absent for 7consecutive days without prior permission from the authority will have his /her name struck off the rol. Re-admission will be granted only on the payment of a fresh admission fee.
7 A student who has remained absent from school for 3 consecutive days without prior permission will be admitted only with the permission of the Principal.

School Uniform

The school uniforms are compulsory and students must wear their uniforms with pride and ensure that they look neat and presentable at all times. School uniform is to be worn only during school hours or when engaged in official school activities. School uniform should be as follows:

Boys: Blue striped half shirt and worsted blue half pants (till Std. V) and worsted blue full pants (Std. VI onwards), belt, blue socks with stripes and black shoes. (For Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday).

Girls: Blue striped half shirt and worsted blue tunic and belt, blue socks with stripes and black shoes. (For Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday).

House Uniform On Monday

Boys and Girls : House track suit with white socks and white canvas shoes.


Boys: White shirt, and white half pants (till Std. V) and white full pants (Std. VI onwards), belt, blue socks with stripes and black shoes.

Girls: White shirt, white tunic and belt with white socks and white canvas shoes.

Fee Rules

1 Parents are requested to pay tuition fee and bus fee quarterly as given below

i) 1st installment for the month of April, May & June-Before 15th April
ii) 2nd installment for the month of July, August & September Before 15th July
iii) 3rd installment for the month of October, November & December-Before 15th October
iv) 4th installment for the month of January, February & March-Before 15th January
v) In case of default, late fine world be charged:
2 First 10 days after due date Rs. 200.
3 After 10 days of due date Rs. 400.
4 If payment is not made within 30 days of the due date, the student's name will be struck off from the school rolls.

Bus Facility

1 Bus facility is available for all students. Parents should consult the transport in-charge to avail the facility.
2 Student shall be at the specified bus stop at least 5 minutes ahead of the prescribed time. Those who miss the bus shall make their own arrangement to reach the school.
3 Parents should make sure that they wait on the same side of the street where their children will be dropped off.
4 A parent/guardian must be at the bus stop to receive the child with the card issued by the school office.
5 No child will be dropped on any other stoppage.
6 The students who once opt for the bus facility will have to pay 11 months bus fee even if they discontinue the bus facility during the session.

House System

1 The main purpose of house system is to inculcate not only a healthy competitive spirit among students but also foster sense of collective responsibilities and solidarity to excel to achieve common goals. The house system channelizes their energy in right direction and brings out the latent talent to forefront.
2 We have four houses for the house system. they are as follows:

i) Anurag house (Red) - Vasudhev Kutumbakam –The world is a family
ii) Chetna house (Blue) - Tamaso ma Jyotirgamaya-From darkness to light
iii) Jagriti house (Orange) - Ahimsa parmo dharma-Non- violence is the highest virtue
iv) Kirti house (Green) - Kirtiyasya seh jeevati-Legacy is immortal
3 Each student is placed in any of the four houses.
4 Each house is headed by student designated as house captain /vice captain and teacher house incharge.
5 During the academic year a number of inter house co-curricular activities like elocution, debate, quiz etc and sports and games are held tor which points are awarded. At the end of the year the house with the highest point is awarded a running trophy. Students are also individually given certificate and trophy/ medal for outstanding performances.


1 A well stocked library is open for all students on all class days. At least one library period is provided in the weekly schedule for each class above std I.
2 The reading of books is conducive to the formation of good mind and it is a source of general knowledge too.
3 We have two libraries. They are as follows

i) Classroom Library-Each classroom boasts of a good collection of books appropriate for particular class.
i) General Library-General Library is a common library and has b0oks of diverse nature for acquiring wide Knowledge on various subjects.
4 Students have to observe the following rules in the library

i) Must maintain silence in the library.
ii) Books are to be taken care of;any damage or loss of books will be penalized based on its value.
iii) Reference books Iperiodicals are for the reference purpose only and will not be issued to students.
iv) Fine will be imposed for returning book after the due date.
v)Every student must read a minimum of twelve English books and six Hindi books in a year. A one page summary of each book read must be shown to the class teacher.